Monday, July 7, 2008

Lac Leman

So, most of this week after class I've been busing to the downtown areaish where there's all the old streets and buildings which are filled with shops and whatnot. I'd walk around aimlessly and take random turns to explore.

Today, aside from deciding to not go to class, I decided I wanted something different. The past 3 days I've been really missing Vancouver (well, it's a little more specific than that, but I don't feel like getting into that). So once arriving at the downtown areaish, I had lunch, pulled out my map and looked for any green areas and to bus there. I had been told that the Olympic Museum was really beautiful (in his words "it's really the outside though, you don't have to bother going in it"), so I settled on there. 

Once I got there I realized that it's actually because it's adjacent to a park. Once I started going inside, I immediately felt better. The air was so much more breathable. I went and sat on a bench by a fountain and started writing a cathartic letter (which I likely won't send since I'm too lazy to transcribe it as an e-mail). Then I continued to follow the trail to Lac Leman. It was really nice, reminded me of the seawall at Stanley Park minus the giant mound of sulphur on one side and the acres of gorgeous park on the other. It made me wish I was at Stanley Park.

Anywho, off in the distance I spotted what I believe to be Roman aquaducts. In quest to get a better picture I started heading east, following the lake.

Next thing I know I'm in Pully (the town beside Lausanne). So, without noticing it, I walked about 3/4 of the way across of Lausanne.

Also, when I was walking back to my place, I noticed how much better I was feeling compared to when I left this morning. Being surrounded by nature did me a lot of good.

In other news, I just found out, I can't go to Edinburgh. My flight to Madrid is set and they won't let me cancel that leg of the trip unless I pay $150. If I just don't show up (as I was planning on doing) they'll cancel my London-Vancouver flight.


Anonymous said...

qdo der, tira uns retratos daih, ok? muitas saudades

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed that you are not going to class, wasn't it the point to learn french so that you can tell people the next time you lock yourself out?
ciao bella

beth said...

i'm really sorry about madrid.

what do you think you'll do?